Why Are There Unreadable Duplicates When I Upload to Dropbox?

Why Does Dropbox Duplicate Files and How to Terminate That from Happening

Dropbox is an extremely pop deject storage and collaboration tool. With its advanced sharing and backup features and convenient to use apps for PC, Mac, iOS and Android, Dropbox is the choice of individuals and teams alike. Still, there is one problem - the free plan offers only 2GB of storage space. That's why you have to be extra vigilant as to what ends upwardly in your Dropbox and avoid uploading junk like photos you don't really demand or indistinguishable content. The trouble is that sometimes Dropbox duplicates files with yous being none the wiser.

Why Does Dropbox Duplicate Files and How to Stop That from Happening

Why Does Dropbox Upload Duplicates to My Storage?

According to help.dropbox.com, the app will upload any files y'all put in your Dropbox binder, even if the new file is exactly the same as an existing file. Basically, the Dropbox binder on your computer behaves just similar any other standard folder when it comes to file uploads. If there is a file with exactly the same file name and parameters, you'll get a standard popup telling you lot that the file with this name already exists, request if you desire to supplant the old file, cancel the upload, or rename the new file. This ways that if yous upload a duplicate file to a unlike subfolder or alter its name, Dropbox won't display any warnings.

Other reasons for Dropbox duplicating files are:

  • Resized photos and videos - you may have visually identical photos and videos in your Cloud storage account but the file size volition be different. So, technically, these files aren't duplicates.
  • Files in different formats - y'all may have a .jpg and a .png version of the same image. It will look exactly the same to you, only Dropbox (and your figurer) volition ever view them equally two different files because the file formats are different. The merely quick way to notice and remove files like that is to use a visual similarity finder.
  • Files imported via iOS eleven and college - if you lot've imported photos and videos from an Apple device running iOS 11 or higher, y'all may sometimes get what seems like duplicate uploads. This issue is related to Apple's new HEIC/HEIF codec and is described in this Dropbox support article.

As yous can run into, the problems with unintended file copies uploaded to your Dropbox cloud storage stem from the fashion the Dropbox app behaves on your PC or Mac: information technology creates a binder that works just like whatsoever other folder on your computer. Yep, information technology has the capability to upload, download and sync content (and even maintain a version history), just it is just a folder that doesn't have whatever smart file comparison algorithms.

What Tin I Do to Avoid Duplicate Dropbox Uploads?

The all-time way to ready any problem is to prevent information technology from happening in the start place. When you're uploading new files to Dropbox, make sure you do a quick folder-wide search using the file name to see if information technology already exists in the principal binder and its subfolders. If nix comes up, you can safely upload the file.

If you lot're using Dropbox to store your photos, use the larger thumbnail view because then you'll exist able to preview the photos on the go and avoid uploading similar images.

To alter the view on Windows, follow these steps:

  • Open "File Explorer" and click on the "View" tab
  • Click on "Options" to open "Binder Options" and go to the "View" tab
  • Remove the check mark for the "Ever show icons, never thumbnails" option
  • Click "Apply", and so click "OK"

On a Mac, open the folder you desire to update, go to the Finder top bar menu, click on View and select either "every bit Icons" or "as Gallery".

It's also helpful to sort files by name because you'll instantly see files sharing the aforementioned name next to each other. That way y'all'll be able to determine whether you desire to keep the photo in .jpg, .png, or any other format you've used.

We promise that now you lot sympathize why there may exist unintentional file copies in your Dropbox and how to prevent that from happening so that yous get the most out of the costless storage quota offered by the service.

Is your Dropbox Account However Littered with Indistinguishable Files?

Resolving the effect of duplicates or fifty-fifty triplicate files in in Dropbox tin can exist frustrating and fourth dimension consuming. In addition to following the suggestions above, you tin can also employ a Dropbox indistinguishable finder and remover to tackle all of that unwanted clutter.

Easy Duplicate Finder's "Dropbox indistinguishable finder" works correct in the Deject and is able to observe and remove unwanted files in minutes.

Go the easiest duplicate file remover for Dropbox today. Download Like shooting fish in a barrel Duplicate Finder for Mac and PC.


Source: https://www.easyduplicatefinder.com/why-does-dropbox-duplicate-files-and-how-to-fix-it.html

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